Rachel Gee

Rachel poses on a beach while holding a white Bichon Frises dog.

What’s your name and where do you live?
Rachel Gee. Bellevue, WA.

When did you start listening to TBTL? How did you find the show?
I started listening in the KIRO days, I forget when exactly. I had burned through every episode of This American Life and was complaining to a friend that I had nothing to listen to while I worked.  She suggested I check out TBTL.  Truthfully, I didn't like it at first, but something about it just sucked me in. Fun fact: the friend that got me into the show actually appeared on the show once, but she didn't keep up with it post-KIRO.

How would your friends describe you?
Probably . . . a little tightly wound, but very loyal and with a really good sense of humor.

What was your favorite cereal when you were a kid? Is it still your fav?
I'm koo-koo for Cocopuffs! But, I would absolutely not eat it now. I don't really eat much cereal at all anymore, but especially sugar cereals. The woes of a middle aged mom type.

What food do you love to eat the most of?
I like tin fish, and always have (long before it blew up on the TikyToky).  I eat all versions, but my favorites are probably the Trader Joe's smoked trout or smoked salmon, and occasionally smoked oysters. I also like the kippered herring snacks and pickled herring (but that isn't technically in a tin).

What’s the best or worst nickname you ever had?
A couple people have called my Ray Ray and I always kind of liked that.  Other than that, I've never had a fun nickname.

If you could play one song on TBTL, what would it be? 
I watch too much Tiktok, so I always gravitate towards whatever is going viral on my FYP.  So right now, I hear Troye Sivan "One of Your Girls" and Myke Towers "LALA" a lot, so maybe one of those?

What’s a special skill you have that you’re most proud of?
Turning leftovers and food scraps into something delicious.  I like the challenge of repurposing food so it doesn't go to waste, and I'm really good at it.

What’s a special skill that you *wish* you had?
I wish I was handier with tools. I'm envious of the DIYrs who have the patience and skills to make cool stuff, or fix things up.  I don't have the patience or skills.

If you were driving down the street and you saw Luke and Andrew on the sidewalk, what would you yell at them as you drove past?
Probably nothing. I'd probably drive past them and like 3 blocks later realize who it was.

Can other Tens find you on social media? 
Instagram @malacervena or Facebook, but I don't really post much if ever. I do follow along with the sTens though.


Nick Kennedy


Chad Bates