Nicole Giuliani

Nicole Giuliani at a skating rink.

What’s your name and where do you live?
Nicole Giuliani. Eugene, OR.

When did you start listening to TBTL? How did you find the show?
Late 2008, on the recommendation of a friend from college in Philly who asked me if I’d heard of “Cairo radio” ;)

How would your friends describe you?
Earlier today, during a Zoom meeting, a friend side-texted me to tell me I looked like I was glowing (no I’m not pregnant.) So maybe that?

What was your favorite cereal when you were a kid?
Cheerios. And yes.

What food do you love to eat the most of?
Bread of any kind. Especially challah!

What’s the best or worst nickname you ever had?

If you could play one song on TBTL, what would it be?
I get almost all my new music from TBTL, so I have no idea what to contribute!

What’s a special skill you have that you’re most proud of?
Fast typing (thanks AIM!)

What’s a special skill that you *wish* you had?
Does flying count?

If you were driving down the street and you saw Luke and Andrew on the sidewalk, what would you yell at them as you drove past?
“I’m a Ten!”


Linh Pham


Jonathan Tibbets